Monday, February 26, 2007

What is stress?

Stress is learning you have a 50/50 chance of a referral just around the corner, and a 50/50 chance of having to wait until after April. URGH!!


KelleyO said...

Wanna know what else Stress is? waiting and waiting and your fingerprints still have not cleared after 5 weeks! :(

Anonymous said...

Thinking good thoughts for you.

Rachel said...

Wow, that is a tough place to be in. Hope it's just around the corner for you!

Anonymous said...

Where do you get to hear 50/50? When I ask for specific info about my file, like IS IT TRANSLATED YET?(DTV Nov 15) all I get is "specifically I can tell you it is in process." Um yeah, thanks. "We estimate a referral for you between 9 and 12 months after DTV, or sooner." Thanks again.
I am desperate to hear your news so that it feels like someone out there in Ontario is really growing their family.

Bev, growing impatient in Ontario

Destination Motherhood said...

waiting is so hard, I don't think people not going through the process understand how emotionally draining it is. I hope your referral comes soon.

Ange said...

BEV, E-mail me with your e-mail address, anything I hear I will forward to you. The last e-mail I received from CB (because I asked for more info) was that they are waiting for referrals from two provinces at this time, and from another two after april. The referrals are from an estimated 25 families who's files are complete in Vietnam. Apparently our file is one of them, that's my explaination of it all, our referral could be from the two provinces they are waiting on now, or after april.....I asked for them to update families as soon as the referrals come in so that the other/the rest of us don't live in agony of hoping our referral is from the two provinces they are expecting now. FRUSTRATING!

Anonymous said...

I am interested in any updates you have heard from C.B. The last email i received from C.B stated that my file was finished with translation and was logged in as # 25; however they continue to say that referal is anywhere from 9-12 months from DTV. Your news made me smile to think that we may hear of some referals soon.

I have enjoyed reading your updates.


Anonymous said...

May I ask this group if they have requested a specific gender or age?

Ange said...

we requested an infant of either gender up to 1year of age. I think the agency is "hopeful" that some referrals will come in around the 6 month mark from DTV, however, they are still estimating 9-12 months for the most part. The last updates they've had have had us all "hopeful".