Sunday, September 02, 2007

Crazy Week Recap

Let's Recap. We waited a total of 309 days from dossier to Vietnam for our referral call. Before that we waited over 9 months for the Vietnam program to open up for our agency. Waiting for over 19 months in the adoption process,that is a long time people.

Honestly, I've surprised myself quite a bit with my ability to keep it together. I'm sure I've surprised my husband & family as well. I know for certain that if it wasn't for all of the family & friend support, particularly the support from other adoptive parents, I don't think I could have made it through this process. It's hard, harder than anyone would have expected. But we've made it this far, & baby is just around the corner. So thank you to everyone that helped with their kind words etc. over the past year & a half.

When I think about how long we waited to see his face, & to find out his birthday & exactly where he lived, & to now have those answers I get choked up. It's amazing. More awesome than I could have pictured it. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me & I can finally breathe.

He's beautiful. My God he's perfect. His name is Owen Danh (Danh apparently means fame & prosperity in Vietnamese). He weighs 11 pounds. He was born in Northern Vietnam. He has the cutest little lips, chubby cheeks, round face, short spiky black hair. He looks healthy & happy, he looks like our son. More importantly he feels like our son. I'm dying to kiss him & hold him, we are told that the agency is expecting travel in September. Probably late September/October. We were originally told that his birthday was the end of July, but that is being confirmed.

We are going to hold off posting pictures until everything falls into place.I really want to share the photos with everyone, so we will see. Currently we are awaiting his translated paperwork, then we will make an appointment with the Dr. & social worker. Everything will be translated once again & returned to Vietnam. Our agency will be helping us with travel arrangements, we are to travel with 2 other families. It's a very exciting time around here.

Thanks again to all of you for sharing in the excitement of Baby Owens referral. We are truly blessed.

We are coming baby Owen, we love you.

Oh yeah, I'm a MOM!!!!!!!!


KelleyO said...

Congratulations Mama!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ange. & Gavin:

Congratulations on reaching the next very important step in your journey to becoming a "family".

I look forward to more information when it is available, and wish you the very best.
Sincerely, Maureen Williams

Leslie & Shaune said...

I cannot wait to see his photo but i totally understand your decision, i'll probably do the same.

You must be on cloud 9. He sounds completely wonderful.


Julie said...

It sounds like everything is falling into place perfectly!! I love the name Owen!

Vstarvic said...

Hi mommy and daddy!

Congratulations. I am so happy for you. Looking forward to meeting him.

Jim Victor

Jo said...

Our wait was 24 months start to finish and the moment I held my daughter for the first time all that washed away.

I am very excited for you and hope you travel soon.

Can't wait to hear more info.

Teresa and Norm said...

I am so excited for you!!! You have been tagged by us so check out my blog to play along!

Emily said...

i am just jumping up and down for you! i cannot believe i missed this news.
by the are a MOM!

Tasha Kent said...

This is sooo exciting!! Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

I really love the name Owen. :) He sounds perfect in every way. I can't wait to hear a travel update soon. :)

mellow & yellow said...

Yeah baby Owen!!! Hope you get to travel ASAP! WOO HOO!

Unknown said...

Congratulations to Owen's Mommy and Daddy! Oh, and congrats to Little Mr. Owen Danh too! He has no idea of the love and warmth and family that's waiting for him! But he will know soon!

::: Sharin' some love::::

One day at a time - you're almost there now!

Take care,

Jen said...

Yea! Congratulations Momma and Daddy!

Rita said...

Oh that's so great. i'm just now catching up on my reading and was so happy to read your great news. I agree you waited an extraordinary amount of time and now it's high time you travel to get your baby boy Owen. Enjoy these moments though. they are all wonderful.