Sunday, February 15, 2009


I woke up this morning experiencing very irregular contractions, I was getting more frustrated & grumpy throughout the day. At 2pm we went for a walk, and shopped for a bit. We walked for over 2 hours & got home around 4:30. I was experiencing some cramping while we were out. At about 5pm, things started to get a little more regular with timing.

Things are still in the early stage of labor. It is now, almost 11pm & contractions are about 20-25 minutes apart. We are hoping they get closer together & don't stall out overnight. Currently we are doing some last minute packing & getting the camera ready just in case. My mom is coming to spend the night, so that if we end up having to go to the hospital in the early morning, that we don't have to wake Owen & take him with us. I'll feel bad, if things stall out & we didn't need her to come up tonight, but we'll see. Plus, I think it's better for her to drive up now instead of the middle of the night.

I'll try to update if things progress anymore. I'm probably going to keep walking around, & using the exercise ball. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is for real.


Dawn said...

Easy Labor Vibes coming your way!! Update us when you can.

B said...

You have a laptop...I expect regular updates the whole time!!! I updated regularly when my baby came. Perhaps not exactly the same but still...

Jules and Danny said...

What?!?!!? No update!!! I am sooo disappointed. lol... Hoping things have progressed enough to get you to the hospital and have that little baby of yours... Thank God for your Mom to help out with Owen!

Looking forward to hearing the news. Breathe!
