Monday, March 24, 2014

Most Dedicated!

Owen received an award yesterday for 'Most Dedicated' on his hockey team! We are soooo proud of his achievement :) he worked hard all year long and really tried his best each and every game or practice. I was happy to see that the coaches thought he did a great job as well! It was a well deserved award.

There was a year end hockey party at a gymnastics club and there were 3 awards to be given out. The awards were for most dedicated, most improvement, and most sportsmanlike. Owen's name was called first to receive his award & Gavin said he could tell that Owen was so proud to be called! he had a big smile on his face.

Way to go Owen!!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Way to go!! I have a feeling your boy's name came up for all 3 awards!