Sweetest runner number 4 I've ever seen, even with the silly grin on his face.
Sweetest runner number 3 I've ever seen. Noah was thrilled to be out of the stroller and free to run in the open space.
Sweetest runner number 2 I've ever seen. My nephew Kian was the youngest runner there!
Here are the boys looking really excited before the race!
On your mark, get set, go! The three of them were the youngest participants and I think they were also the last to cross the start line!
Here comes Owen! he finished the race in 9 minutes 25 seconds. Papa said he only walked part of the way and ran most of it! Way to go Owen!
Owen wanted to cross the finish line again :) you can see Gavin, Noah and Papa coming in behind.
Here comes Noah! Noah and Kian both spent part of the race in the stroller but managed to run what they could. Noah would have crossed the finish line at just over 13 minutes but took a little break at the finish line to wait for his cousin! I think both Noah and Kian actually crossed the finish line at about the 15 minute mark. Noah saw that Kian wasn't quite finished running yet and the two boys both took off running back in the other direction! all of the on lookers got a good giggle out of that.
Here is Noah finally crossing the finish line with daddy.
The boys enjoyed their shortbread cookie in the shape of a turtle. Owen thought that was his prize for "winning the race" :)
Family photo after the race
We had a great time and look forward to the second annual turtle run. Thanks for registering the boys Papa!