At 7 months old you are almost sitting unassisted. You can sit on your own for a little while before you start to tip over. Sitting alone seems like such a "big baby" thing to do, I can't believe you are almost at that point already. Just last night while on your belly, you managed to squirm and roll your way over to the other side of the room to get to a toy you wanted. Once you get that knee under you you'll be off crawling. Unbelievable.
Your personality is really starting to show and you are as sweet as your big brothers and as stubborn as well. This past weekend Gavin and I enjoyed our first night away since you've come home. Grandma and Aunt Maegan babysat while Gavin and I enjoyed our overnight in Niagra Falls. It was great to spend some time together (mostly talking about the kids, isn't that always the way?) and enjoy a leisurely dinner, we don't get out often enough. I was hoping that would change, but it seems that you were too stubborn to take a bottle for Grandma or Maegan, so I doubt they'll be to eager to babysit overnight for a while. Must work on the bottle taking A.S.A.P.
We also need to work on getting you to sleep longer stretches. Waking every 2-3 hours (at most) at 7 months old just isn't working for this Mommy anymore :) Soon you may just find yourself in your own bedroom, maybe it will help. I can't imagine you sleeping any less. Your schedule during the day is great and you've been going longer stretches between feedings and taking your solid food like a champ. Night sleep will come with time I'm sure.
Happy 7 Months Grayson!