It read :
The last 15 months have been quite a journey and I am so fortunate to have spent them with you. Everyday I see you more excited, and anxious, to become a great mother. I'm proud of you for doing so much research into parenting and encouraging me to do the same. I can honestly say that you have already made me a better parent (to be). I hope your first Mother's Day is a good one, with greater ones to come.
Love Gavin (and our baby to be)
This year my card from my sweet baby was perfect.
You do so much for me & daddy and we really appreciate it! I love you so much.
Love, Owen
Melt My Heart.
Owen gave me a few great gifts and then we spent the day at a local zoo. It was a fun way to spend the day as a family. My mom was even able to join us for Owen's first trip to the Zoo. Here are a few photos.
Happy Mother's Day! Especially to those that hold the love of their children in their hearts, but have yet to hold them.
Happy Mother's Day..what a cutie : )
Happy Mother's Day!
Ange, that was a lovely Mother's Day entry. The three of you are a special family. Happy First Mother's Day.
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