This past month Noah has really become more fun. He plays more with Owen & his favourite game is to have Owen chase him around, or have us carry him & chase Owen. Noah giggles so much when he plays with Owen it is really cute to see them together. He is a crawling machine & is on the go non-stop, he is a really fast crawler. Just recently he has learned to pull himself up to standing using the coffee table or a chair as leverage. He gets the proudest look on his face when he accomplishes something, & when he tries something that doesn't work out, well my boy has a temper!
Noah's personality is so different than Owen's as a baby. I find it fascinating really, & often find myself dreaming of what they will be like when they grow up. Noah is a risk taker, full of curiosity, & always finding trouble. I have a feeling his teenage years are going to be really difficult for us!
Finally some teeth! his two top teeth came in first. Gavin affectionately calls him "baby beaver or little chomper" because he still doesn't have any bottom teeth! They are coming soon though.
playing peek-a-boo
When Noah had the stomach flu we had him weighed at the doctor's, he had lost a pound and weighed 18.9lbs. but I think he's starting to gain weight again.
I just love Noah's hair, it's an awesome colour with perfect highlights. It's starting to get curly & I love how it curls up on the sides. So cute!
First major ouchie. Poor baby bumped his forehead off the tile floor :( the bruise came immediately but luckily with a little ice there was no bump.
We love you Noah!
Do you have a Leap Frog musical table? It has a short baby lifespan, sort of 10 months to 15 or so...not really worth it to buy it but do you want to borrow it for several months before I mothball it down in the basement? Perfect for pulling up on and then falling off of as well!
He's getting one for Christmas - already bought. Thanks anyways though. I think he'll love it. Tonight he started walking behind his ride on toy. Yikes!!
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