Monday, March 23, 2009


Poor Noah has been miserable all week, each day his symptoms seem to get worse. He cries/screams most of the time. He constantly needs to be held upright or he spits up or vomits. He arches his neck and back in pain when he screams & he has obvious issues with gas. We had a doctor's appointment today & the doctor thinks he has reflux, which is somewhat common in newborns & usually corrects itself. According to the results of this on-line quiz, Noah has most of the symptoms of acid reflux. I did not sleep even one minute last night because he constantly needed to be held. The only thing that calms his crying is bouncing on the exercise ball. It has been a rough week, we've been basically stuck inside the house and things are taking a toll on Owen as well. The doctor prescribed drops to help with acid reflux, hopefully we will see an improvement in the coming days. Noah sees the doctor again next week, if there is no improvement we are being referred to a pediatrician. We are following all of the suggestions to help with acid reflux in newborns, hopefully something works soon.


Jules and Danny said...

I hope the drops help and that you all get some sleep and that Owen gets some outside time soon. Thinking of you...

Anonymous said...

Aaliyah had the same thing until she was about 18 months old and it seemed to clear itself up. She also seemed to do better on either breastmilk or lactose free formula. I'm not sure if you are breastfeeding or not, but if he is on formula, maybe lactose free will help???
Hope you get some sleep.

Heidi said...

I have two friends whose babies had this. One had something she put in the crib made specifically to elevate the baby's head--some sort of slanted foam thing, I think. the other just had her baby sleep in the car seat. Whatever works. Good luck.

Samantha said...

Ahhhhhh.... I don't know how Mom's of babies under 6 months even survive. Poor you, poor Noah, Poor Owen, and poor husband too who I'm sure is either not sleeping too or feeling guilty because he is. Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Oh Ange
You poor thing. I feel for you and can completely empathize with you. Hopefully the drops the Doctor gave you work soon. Noah must be so uncomfortable. I hope you all get some sleep soon!!!