The other evening during bath time I asked Owen what some of his favourite things were. Here are his answers. Some things I suspected but there were some answers that surprised me.
Favourite Food- Pizza
Favourite Vegetable- Peas
Favourite Fruit - Pineapple
Favourite song - Just Can't Wait to be King (Lion King)
Favourite Movie - Planet 51
Favourite T.V show- Diego
Favourite Colour- Red (I had no idea, I would have guessed blue)
I know many of these answers will change as he gets older particularly his music interest, but it's neat to see what he likes at almost 3 years old.
In other Owen news my boy is mostly potty trained, he will still have occasional accidents but they are rare (he had 1 accident in the last 5 days). He even stays dry over night. We have also been trying to decrease his dependancy on his soother. We started a few months ago with not letting him take it out of the house, now he only uses it when he goes to bed. We are getting there slowly but at least it's a step in the right direction. Also, the last few nights he has been going to sleep in his own bed. He still wakes up and asks to come sleep in our bed, but last night he stayed in his own bed until 6:15 in the morning! Hopefully by summer he will be totally potty trained, not using a soother and sleeping in his own bed all night. If he's not that's OK though, things will happen when he's ready and not before.