Tuesday, October 04, 2011

I'm loving that Owen is still enjoying school and comes home happy and telling me about his day. His favourite activities seem to be the house center, and riding the new bikes at recess. His least favourite time of the day is quiet time :) I'm guessing from what he tells me that quiet time is at the end of the day and I'm assuming at that point he is tired and wanting to come home. All day kindergarten is exhausting for him and he is asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow.

Every morning we play a little game where I tell him I'm going to imagine him playing and having fun, or going to the library etc. just to let him know I'll be thinking of him. he usually responds with "I'm going to imagine when you come and pick me up". Luckily when I do pick him up he only has positive things to say about the day and tells me that he had fun.

Some control behaviours have surfaced since the start of school which we expected, as controlling things seems to be his way of dealing with new transitions and stress. Luckily we know what to look for and are quick to deal with things so it hasn't gotten out of hand. He has also been dealing with stress in a much more positive way by asking us for extra cuddle time, which I think has helped a tremendous amount with his transition to school. Owen has always turned to us for comfort, but it is nice that he can express his needs - it makes it easier on everyone.

We are so pleased with his teacher and how school is going! below is a video of Owen singing some of the new songs he's learned. He starts off a little slow and distracted by being on video - but things pick up in the end :)


Kaila said...

The video is so cute and he is so good with his words! Lexi wanted to watch him too, and we were telling her that it's her cousin Owen and she loved it!!!

Good singing Owen!

Catherine said...

Heh! Great video and oh what a memory your little guy has! I've heard the 'Jake and the Pirates' song more times than I can count and don't have an idea of the words. Now...if it was Mickey Mouse. Oye!!

Way to go Owen!!

Jules and Danny said...

Yay Owen!