Friday, January 18, 2008

short post

I know we have to get better at the blog updates. But we've been staying in the hotel for the past couple of days. I think Owen is feeling much better & we hope to get out & around this afternoon. I want to try to get that video up later & upload all the pictures to flickr. It takes FOREVER to get one picture on the blog. This post itself took 40 minutes. I don't seem to have very many extra 40 minutes these days.... we will try our best later. No promises though.


LaLa said...

Enjoy your sweet can post when you get home : ) These are precious first moments so treaure them .

Cathy said...

Seriously he is the cutest I have EVER seen!!! Enjoy your time and don't worry about posting, cherish every moment (like you have to be told ;)


Jules and Danny said...

He is looking awfully darn cute! You'll have more time to post later.... enjoy your first moments and days with Owen!

jules and danny

Joanne said...

Thinking of you all ... hope everyone feels much better. Adorable little boy!

Adam and Tirza said...

As much as we're all itching for more photos and video, of course the most important thing is that you are spending your time with Owen and not sitting frustrated in front of a computer!! We're happy just seeing your text messages to hear how Owen is doing and about your daily adventures.

Hugs and kisses to Owen! (and you too)
Adam & Tirza

Anonymous said...

He looks so good. I hope that the weather is warmer so that you can enjoy walking around. I cannot believe that I hoped the weather would be warmer in Vietnam. Try the baby store at Hanoi Towers if you cannot find any suitable clothes for him at Fivimart. Thinking of you everyday.


Dawn said...

HE is adorable!!

Lee Ritchie said...

Congratulations to both of you or should I say all 3 of you. He's so cute. Take lots of pictures that you can share with us when you get home.


Lee & Larry

Carissa said...

Enjoy your son and he is so sweet!

Dave Thomas said...

Hello Gavin and Ange -
I'm glad to hear that things are going well on your trip. It must be a very exciting adventure for you. I am enjoying following the blog. Congratulations on having Owen officially now your baby!

Anonymous said...

Great to hear Owen and you guys are feeling better. Hope Dad isn't "coaching" too much.

I'm sure he's helping out a bunch. Don't feel worried about the photos, we'll get to see plenty when you return.

He's definitely a cutie!