Tuesday, June 30, 2009

4 Month Check Up

Noah went to the doctor's this morning for his second round of immunizations. He cried much harder & longer this time, it was so sad. It appears that Noah is right on track with development, & is growing steadily as well. He is now 14lbs,7oz (50th percentile),66cm in length (75th percentile) so he is getting quite tall, & he still has an itty bitty head at 40cm (10th percentile). Owen scored two stickers, one for each needle that Noah received. Lucky him. I made sure to give Noah a dose of tempra before hand & he calmed down quickly after his needles & went to sleep.

I spoke to the doctor about Noah's lack of interest in sleep during the night. or multiple, as in 3-5 wake -ups. Basically she hinted that it would likely be better by 6 months (read once he starts solids). She suggests solids between 5-6 months, so that if there are any feeding concerns they can be discussed at his 6 month appointment. So basically he's going to start solids early. I will give him a few more nights to get his act together on his own & then it's rice cereal to the rescue by the weekend! We're rebels like that, no living by the rules in this house! She also mentioned that there is no need to sterilize his bottles anymore (like we were doing that), or boil the water for bottles. I think I may keep doing that because it only takes a minute & I get kind of grossed out by tap water as it is.

After the doctor's we went to get Owen's hair cut. He looks so cute & so much older. The next time he gets his hair cut will be for Uncle Derek & Aunt Kaila's wedding. I was trying to picture him all dressed up in his tux, fresh haircut, looking super cute. It almost made me weepy. When you ask Owen what he's going to do at the wedding he says he's going to "boogie down" I can't wait to see that.

Not much else on the agenda today.

Just to show how big Noah is getting & how incredibly tanned Owen is already :)

Owen's new haircut

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