In the afternoon Adam, Tirza & Kian came over for a visit. We wanted to get some photos of the kids dressed in their halloween costumes. It's never an easy task to get photos of three kids two and under but we keep trying!
Kian wasn't too impressed with playing dress up :)
The spider attacking the lion. Half of the time was spent trying to keep Noah's hands to himself. In retrospect I suppose we should have put Owen in the middle. Poor Kian - Noah is sorry I'm sure.
The best photo on my camera...sigh
The cutest Dragon in the world. While trick or treating I heard him be called an alligator, crocodile, & dinosaur, apparently crocodiles have wings? news to me.
Cutest little Lion - Kian's first halloween
Seriously this baby spider is sweet! Noah's first halloween
all ready to go out!
heading to the first house - Owen stepped right inside the door. He did great saying "trick or treat" & "thank-you" even if it was barely audible!
Owen came home with tons of candy we let him have two small pieces of candy then it was off to bath & bed! This year the kids started coming out at 6:30 & it was all over by 7:30! Owen ran through the neighborhood & gathered enough candy in 30 minutes to last until next year.