On wednesday morning I took the kids to the zoo and hoped that contractions would start with walking around so much. In the afternoon my O.B told me I was almost 4cm dilated and that I would likely be in labour within the next 24 hours. I started to have some mild contractions late in the afternoon and I thought that maybe things would continue.
Catherine was nice enough to invite us to her house for dinner :) and the kids got to play together one last time before we decided that I should take some time off of work and have this baby already! After dinner baby grayson was feeling the need for some ice cream so we headed out for dessert with Catherine and Hannah. We had my mom come up late wednesday just incase things continued, I was worried about having to phone someone in the middle of the night to come and watch the boys. The contractions slowed down and stopped just before midnight, but I had big plans to take many walks the next day and get things moving again!
having dinner at Catherine and Hannah's - our last family pic of the four of us :)
On Thursday Jim and Meggie came up to help with the boys. They took them to a local splash pad and took us all out for lunch. I tried eating some spicy food for lunch and contractions got fairly strong, I started to think that maybe thursday would be the day and that I might have to call Gavin home from work. Contractions would come and go and they would get stronger after taking walks but again they stopped in the evening.
Friday morning I woke up at 4:30 with contractions that were regular and coming about every 10 minutes. I also had some bleeding and knew that friday would be the day! I liked that things were starting up in the morning which gave me time to eat, shower and call Jim to come and care for the boys later that day. By 8am contractions were every 7 minutes, and getting stronger. By 9am they were coming about every 5 minutes and by 10:30am decided to get checked at the hospital. My regular O.B was working that day and when he checked me I was 5 cm dilated. My O.B was eager to break my water and get things moving fast but the nurse on duty wouldn't let him. There were no labour rooms ready and she was worried things would move too fast and not be very safe. Looking back on everything I am so thankful she stepped in and stopped him from breaking my water!
I walked the hall for two hours and every few steps had intense contractions. We were to be back at 1pm in triage to be monitored and at that point my O.B was going to check me again. We finally got a room around 2pm and my nurse still didn't want the O.B to break my water until after I had an epidural. The anesthesiologist was busy in the operating room and I had to wait for the epidural. I really felt I needed on at 2pm and contractions felt much stronger and closer together that when I'd received the epidural with Noah. I tried to use the gas to take the edge off but that only made me feel sick. I was convinced they'd check me and tell me it was too late for an epidural and I was starting to get anxious. Luckily, at 4:30 the anesthesiologist arrived and administered the epidural, I felt immediate relief!
At 6:30 I was 10cm dilated and ready to push. I was able to "labour down" while the nurse prepared the room and I started to push at 7:10pm. After the second push the head was crowning and I was told to not push until the doctor got there! not an easy thing to do as I could feel the pressure- it was a really strange sensation. The doctor arrived -third push and the head was out. I screamed when I felt the head come out, it didn't hurt but it shocked me. Again I couldn't push because Grayson had the cord wrapped around his neck twice and it was really tight. The doctor cut the cord and i could push one last push to deliver the shoulders. I could feel what was happening but couldn't feel any pain. Grayson was born at 7:16pm, only 6 minutes after I started pushing. The experience was great besides my fear of not getting an epidural, and healing this time has been much faster.
post epidural - sweet relief. I couldn't stop shaking, but at least the pain was gone :)
First look at our baby boy!
Gavin cutting the cord
Welcome to the family Grayson! We love you so much!