Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tet Party #1

Happy Year of the Snake! Both Gavin & I were born in the year of the snake (1977) so we hope this means a very lucky year for us! However, Gavin told me that in order to bring good luck we were to have our house cleaned top to bottom before midnight of the holiday, so I guess we may not be so lucky this year after all :)

Before the party we tried to get a photo of the boys wearing their Ao Dai's. This was the best we could get! Owen kept looking at his brothers, Grayson kept crying & trying to get off of the couch & Noah always had a silly smile on his face. Oh well, they sure are cute! They didn't last long wearing these outfits, apparently they are quite hot.

Isn't this a cute photo of Gavin and Grayson :) I love it!

Someone made this awesome cake for the party! There were many kids born in the year of the snake that were celebrated. Turning 12 years old already! how does that happen? I remember when we started going to the TET party they all looked so young!

The group of adoptees is quite divided with age, the older kids are all tweens/teens and the younger group is up to age 6. The 'older adoptees' were so great to help out the younger kids this year & the divide wasn't so obvious. Here is E helping Noah with his craft :)It is so nice for our younger adoptees to have these mentors - we really are blessed. 

Finished product- a cute snake craft!

Owen wanted me to take a photo of this golden pig- Owen was born in the year of the pig, more specifically the year of the golden pig. 

Parade time! Now it's mostly the younger group in the parade. The sure do love this part of the party!

Even Grayson joine in :)
Thanks again for hosting such a fabulous party Mary!

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