Monday, February 16, 2009

Sent Home

We arrived at the hospital & were assessed at 12:30. Found to be 3.5 cm dilated & 80% effaced, we were given the option to walk the hall for an hour or 2 and be reassessed. An emergency C-section came in, so we were bumped for our assessment. After 4 hours of walking the hall, strong 5 minute apart contractions, dilation has not progressed.

We are now home waiting for either 3 minute apart contractions, or my water to break. the nurses have seen early labor go as long as 2 weeks. Things could continue the same, progress, or phase out. This is so frustrating. I almost cried when they said there was no progression. I really do not think I can handle contractions so frequently for so long. I'm now hoping things either get much more intense tonight, or stop all together until the baby is ready to come. So now we are at 24 hours of early labor & counting. Contractions are coming no matter what position I am in, & the baby is crazy active in there!

Planning on having dinner & trying to rest, we are exhausted.

1 comment:

Jules and Danny said...

It sucks that they sent you home, but it's good that the baby is active like crazy!!! Hopefully things move along tonight and little baby Douglas comes soon!